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Greenfield Challenge (updated December 2024)

In his 2009 Box Medal Acceptance Address, Tony Greenfield challenged the members of ENBIS with the following words:

My challenge to you is that you will tell some audience about work you have done, and completed successfully because you used a statistical method. But that audience must be of people who are not statisticians.

And you will have spoken to those people through publications that are for the wider public, through magazines or newspapers, or from a public platform. You might even write a short story or a play.

That is my challenge: Tell the world, outside your circle, of work you have done, and done successfully because you used statistics.

ENBIS decided to pick up the glove thrown by Tony: in 2010 the Greenfield Challenge was launched as an ongoing ENBIS activity and for the first time ever the prize was awarded at ENBIS-11 in Coimbra (Portugal).

2025 Greenfield Challenge Award

In 2025 we celebrate 25 years of ENBIS and as part of that we will award a special Greenfield Challenge award to a candidate who has devoted a major focus of their career to communicating the application of statistics to broad audiences, in particular promoting statistics in different settings and from different perspectives. The committee for judging the Greenfield Challenge award is the ENBIS elected Council.

By the deadline set by the committee, people can nominate candidates or even themselves for this award, provided that at least one person (nominee and/or nominating person) is an ENBIS member. The following document should be submitted by email to the President-elect:

  • A written recommendation of approximately three pages. This should include a description of the recent activities undertaken by the candidate that are directly relevant to the award. A CV can be attached.

The Greenfield Challenge award recipient will be invited to the ENBIS annual conference where he/she

  • will deliver a lecture in a session;
  • will receive the award;
  • will be partially reimbursed for his/her travel and stay.

2025 mini Greenfield Challenge

In addition, for 2025 we will launch the mini Greenfield Challenge which celebrates daring but small attempts at meeting Tony’s original challenge. This is separate from the 2025 Greenfield Challenge Award.

The recognition awarded to up to five selected submissions is a certificate and the opportunity to present in a plenary session at ENBIS 2025, in either a live five-minute presentation or a prerecorded three-minute video presentation. The committee for judging the mini Greenfield Challenge is chaired by the President elect and includes all three vice presidents. This committee may organize a webinar for the mini Greenfield Challenge.

How to participate in the mini Greenfield Challenge?

We would like to encourage you to report interactions with non-statisticians. For example, interactions can be face-to-face, in writing, in the form of an audio or video recording, or in social media and can be in any context, for example interactions with students, educators, managers and employees of organizations in private and public sectors.

By the deadline published in ENBIS News, ENBIS members can make a submission. Some examples: a talk about the Reproducibility Crisis given at a local residents’ club, a DOE project in a primary school, a sampling activity shared at a teachers’ college, statistical opportunities presented to government, an analysis of production efficiency in a manufacturing company, a market segmentation study for a business.

The procedure to submit is simple. All those who wish to enter need to provide the following by e-mail to the President-elect:

  • A short (half a page) summary in English specifying date, venue, target population/target publication and topic.
  • Presentation slides (if applicable; whatever the language they are in; we are confident that somebody in ENBIS will have some working knowledge of it).
  • A web link / web links (if applicable).
  • Other supporting material (e.g. newspaper clippings).

Submissions may be announced as a short news item on the ENBIS website and in ENBIS News.