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Home > About > History > Past Webmasters of ENBIS
As ENBIS is a webbased society, the position of the webmaster is a rather important, as he has the liability to keep everything up and running. Also the possibilities and the services that can be provided are determined by the website. So it was never an easy job and the job has only reluctantly been handed from one to the next person. So ENBIS has been lucky to have had always highly dedicated persons in this position.
Jeroen de Mast has fulfilled the position of the webmaster for the first six years of ENBIS. He did so with great enthousiasm and supported all activities of ENBIS in this role. He supervised the built of the very first site, which he then administrated for the remainder of his period as webmaster. This site had all the basic features ENBIS needed in the first years:
Besides this he edited the news published on the site, collected the paper submissions, approved new membership requests, and fulfilled many other tasks, especially around the conferences. Therefore, ENBIS owes him a great deal of the successes achieved in these first six years. Thank you Jeroen!
Alessandro Di Bucchianico supported Jeroen at the very beginning to set up the first pages and gave ideas for the potential web-services.
In 2005 Winfried Theis succeeded Jeroen de Mast as ENBIS webmaster. To serve the evolving needs of ENBIS, he had to change the website into a content management system as well as adding a database backbone . Since ENBIS is a web‐based society, its web site should become its administrative centre and the new ENBIS house style must be incorporated. With never-ending energy, Winfried almost single‐handed devoted himself to these tasks.
Through Winfried’s efforts, ENBIS now has a website with extensive facilities including, for example, the management of the membership database, mass mailing, automatic news items, full conference management (registration, abstract submission, conference CD production, payment) and treasurer backbone systems (such as invoice generation).
As well as building and testing these facilities together with our professional provider, Winfried has edited the content of the ENBIS website. He has been an indispensable supporter of ENBIS annual conference organizers. He was an active volunteer at the ENBIS 2007 in Dortmund and was chair of programme committee for ENBIS 2008 in Athens. Winfried answered thousands of emails around the ENBIS conferences of 2005 to 2010. As a result of all the time Winfried spent on the ENBIS website, he greatly reduced the time that other ENBIS officials have to spend on their tasks. Therefore, ENBIS owes him a great deal of the successes achieved in these five years. Thank you Winfried!